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We Are Afrocenchix: Meet Our Junior Cosmetic Scientist

What's your name, your title and what your role is at Afrocenchix?

Hi, I'm Renae Howell and I'm the Junior R&D Cosmetic Scientist.

My role involves managing the daily formulation and production of our products, as well as conducting the research and development of new products added to our line. 

Tell us about yourself.

I am of Jamaican heritage. I have been natural forever, even embracing my fro and natural hairstyles throughout school and University. I cut all my hair off in 2020 to rock short hairstyles.

Looking back it was very telling of me to cut my hair off because although I've always loved my hair I've been a major advocate for not letting it define me! I've been a part of the Afrocenchix team for over a year and I am right where I am supposed to be. 

Describe any professional designations and industry-related accomplishments. 

I am just at the beginning of my career after receiving my BSc (Hons) in Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science.

What are your hobbies?

When I'm not working I write poetry and also perform my spoken word pieces occasionally at open mic events. I love working out in the gym, going for long walks and listening to dancehall.  

What's your favourite inspirational quote?

I try to take inspiration from everything, life isn’t always perfect so you have to take the rain as well as the sunshine otherwise you’ll never see any rainbows. My favourite quote for right now is “Celebrate everything that is.”

Tell us what motivates you to do what you do here?

For as long as I can remember I have been heavily motivated by inspiring and showcasing young girls and women that you can be fun and creative within the science industry. I look forward to giving talks at schools and constantly helping to refine the products that we bring to our community in a safe and effective way.

What's your favourite Afrocenchix product and why?

For me its all about Sheen! Especially for my short hair it is perfect for quickly hydrating and moisturising my curls in between washes. A little goes a long way and I love that for me! 

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